Nippersink Creek Restoration
Nippersink Creek provides prime habitat for a number of sensitive plant and animal species in the Chicago Region. The area lies entirely within Glacial Park owned by the McHenry County Conservation District.
Although some reaches are ranked among the highest quality in Illinois, others have been severely impacted by stream channelization, overgrazing, draining of riparian wetlands, and invasion of exotic woody plants.
For the restoration of Nippersink Creek within Glacial Park, Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries provided the seed of more than 245 native species. This high-diversity project in this high-visibility ecosystem was funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Wildflowers, grasses, and sedges to be enjoyed for years in Glacial Park are the products of Taylor Creek which supplied 3,200 PLS lbs. (1.6 tons) of seed to serve the ongoing restoration of nearly 490 acres within the Glacial Park Conservation Area.
Seed was shipped in 2015 and early 2016 for several planting zones, ranging from 2 acres of fen wetland to marsh zones, sedge meadow, 120 acres of wet mesic prairie, and 50 acres of oak savanna. Taylor Creek coordinated procurement services and collaborated with agency staff, client, and stakeholder groups to fine-tune restoration seeding plans within budget and timeline considerations.
- Native Seed – 245 Species
- PLS Testing
- Design Assistance
- Procurement Services