MN Conservation (MN BWSR Pollinator Plot Southeast)
Based on Minnesota State Seed Mixes issued by BWSR (Board of the Water and Soil Resources), MnDOT (Minnesorta Dept of Transportation) and MnDNR (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources)
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Category: Minnesota Conservation Mixes, Pollinator, Seed Mixes, Upland, Wildlife MixesAdd to Wishlist
Type: Mix - Seed
MN Conservation
MN BWSR Pollinator Plot Southeast
% seed psf | Botanical Name | Common Name |
11.81% | Avena sativa (cover crop) | Seed oats |
0.18% | Andropogon gerardii | Big bluestem |
0.17% | Bouteloua curtipendula | Side oats grama |
0.07% | Elymus canadensis | Canada wild rye |
1.54% | Koeleria macrantha | June grass |
0.12% | Schizachyrium scoparium | Little bluestem |
0.04% | Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie dropseed |
0.26% | Astragalus canadensis | Canadian milk vetch |
0.04% | Chamaecrista fasciculata | Partridge pea |
0.20% | Dalea candida | White prairie clover |
0.28% | Dalea purpurea | Purple prairie clover |
0.07% | Desmodium canadense | Showy tick trefoil |
0.29% | Amorpha canescens | Leadplant |
0.12% | Asclepias syriaca | Common milkweed |
0.06% | Asclepias tuberosa | Butterfly weed |
0.01% | Baptisia alba | White wild indigo |
0.08% | Coreopsis palmata | Prairie coreopsis |
0.01% | Geranium maculatum | Wild geranium |
2.01% | Helenium autumnale | Sneezeweed |
0.20% | Helianthus maximiliani | Maximilian sunflower |
0.04% | Helianthus pauciflorus | Prairie sunflower |
0.10% | Heliopsis helianthoides | False sunflower |
0.21% | Liatris aspera | Rough blazing star |
0.13% | Liatris ligulistylis | Meadow blazing star |
1.08% | Monarda fistulosa | Wild bergamot |
0.69% | Monarda punctata | Horse mint |
0.63% | Oligoneuron rigidum | Stiff goldenrod |
2.01% | Penstemon digitalis | Beardtongue |
0.29% | Penstemon grandiflorus | Large-flowered beard tongue |
0.57% | Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia mountain mint |
0.05% | Ranunculus fascicularis | Early buttercup |
49.91% | Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan |
17.48% | Rudbeckia triloba | Brown-eyed susan |
0.12% | Sisyrinchium campestre | Prairie blue-eyed grass |
0.98% | Solidago speciosa | Showy goldenrod |
1.54% | Symphyotrichum ericoides | Heath aster |
0.85% | Symphyotrichum laeve | Smooth blue aster |
0.68% | Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England aster |
0.10% | Tradescantia bracteata | Long-bracted spiderwort |
0.72% | Verbena stricta | Hoary vervain |
4.11% | Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver’s root |
0.00% | Viola pedata * | Bird’s foot violet |
0.17% | Zizia aurea | Golden alexanders |
Contact us for pricing.
Based on Minnesota State Seed Mixes issued by BWSR (Board of the Water and Soil Resources), MnDOT (Minnesota Dept of Transportation) and MnDNR (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources)
Mix may vary due to availability; substitutions will be made based on ecological function.
Prices vary based on genotypic (origin) requirements.
Species may be adjusted for regional appropriateness.
More Details
Common Name
Minnesota Conservation -
Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, Minnesota -
3'-7' -
Bloom Period
Early-Middle-Late -
Dry, Mesic, Savanna -
Shade Tolerant
Yes -
Yes -
Do they attact Birds or Butterflies
Yes -
Appropriate for Rain Garden, Swale and Basin
Yes -
Salt Tolerant
Yes -
Walnut Tree Compatible
Yes -
Appropriate for Erosion Control