Best of Both Worlds Color Explosion Meadow Mix 20/20
Low-growing wildflower favorites combined with our low maintenance lawn blend of durable fecue turf grass. Suitable for areas where low-growing pollinator habitat is a must. Ideal for corporate campus and common area settings.
Type: Mix - Seed
Best of Both Worlds Color Explosion Meadow Mix 20/20
% seed psf | Botanical Name | Common Name |
95.30% | Low Maintenance Lawn Blend | Fescue blend |
0.03% | Anemone canadensis | Meadow anemone |
0.72% | Monarda punctata | Horse mint |
0.51% | Oligoneuron album | Stiff aster (goldenrod) |
0.32% | Agalinis tenuifolia | Slenderleaf false foxglove |
0.28% | Heuchera richardsonii | Prairie alum root |
0.60% | Triodanis perfoliata | Venus’s looking glass |
0.40% | Penstemon hirsutus | Hairy beardtongue |
0.38% | Coreopsis lanceolata | Sand coreopsis |
0.30% | Dalea candida | White prairie clover |
0.43% | Dalea purpurea | Purple prairie clover |
0.18% | Allium cernuum | Nodding wild onion |
0.02% | Lupinus perennis | Wild lupine |
0.01% | Asclepias verticillata | Whorled milkweed |
0.45% | Symphyotrichum sericeum | Silky aster |
0.06% | Liatris cylindracea | Cylindrical blazing star |
Average price per acre: $720
For orders greater than 5 acres, contact us for discount pricing.
Low-growing wildflower favorites combined with our low maintenance lawn blend of durable fescue turf grass. Suitable for areas where low-growing pollinator habitat is a must. Ideal for corporate campus and common area settings.
Mix may vary due to availability; substitutions will be made based on ecological function.
Prices vary based on genotypic (origin) requirements.
Species may be adjusted for regional appropriateness.
More Details
Common Name
Pollinator Seed Mix -
Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, Great Plains -
1'-3' -
Bloom Period
Middle-Late -
Dry, Mesic -
Shade Tolerant
Yes -
Yes -
Do they attact Birds or Butterflies
Yes -
Appropriate for Rain Garden, Swale and Basin
Yes -
Salt Tolerant
Yes -
Walnut Tree Compatible
Yes -
Appropriate for Erosion Control